

Air Duct Cleaning

1028151335cAir duct cleaning is very important to the overall quality of the air inside your home or business. There are many contaminants and allergens that can build up in your HVAC system. Such as construction materials, dust, pollen, pet dander, pet hair, fungi, bacteria and mold. These contaminants can build up and are spread throughout your home and work environment. The removal of these contaminants is not only for the improvement of indoor air quality but for the efficiency and maintenance of the HVAC system.

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Poor maintenance of a dryers exhaust vent is the leading cause of dryer related fires. Lint and debris build up in your dryers exhaust vent. The resulting build up is very flammable. There is an estimated 2,900 dryer fires in residential buildings reported every year resulting in 5 deaths, 100 injuries, and 35 million dollars in property damage. Dryer vent cleaning is very important and should be a part of every home owner’s maintenance program.